Popular Misconceptions
History of Astronomy
Earth and Moon
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Science & Resource Links |
Sky and Telescope magazine
Astronomy magazine
Astronomy Technology Today
Astronomy Search...
The Star's Family of Astronomy and Related Resources
Astronomical WWW Resources
Yahoo Astronomy
Mike Boschat's Astronomy Page
The Galaxy Page
Astronomy Cafe
SIMBAD: Set of Identifications, Measurements Bibliography for Astronomical Data
from the CDS, Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg
SIMBAD: Database for stars and nonstellar objects, except galaxies
CDS tutorials
NED: NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database--galaxies, quasars, and other objects beyond the Milky Way
NED Overview
NED Level 5
ADS: Astrophysical Data System
ADS abstracts
ADS articles
StarWatch for the Greater Lehigh Valley
StarDate Online
Earth and Sky
Abrams Planetarium Night Sky Notes
Jack Horkheimer, Star Gazer--updated weekly
This Week's "Sky at a Glance"
The Analemma
Daylight Savings Time
End Daylight Savings Time
Other Information of Interest...
Astronomy students say the strangest things!
Theories from Omni Magazine Readers
Slacker Astronomy
In Search of Ancient Astronomies, Chapter 1
Center for Archaeoastronomy
Megalithic Astronomy...
United States/Ancestral Puebloan Connection...
Other Parks of Interest in the Four Corners Region...
Megalithic Mysteries: Photos of Megalithic Sites in the UK
Stone Pages
Druid History: Halloween, etc.
Halloween: Myths, Monsters, and Devils
US National Parks by Name
Aztec Ruins National Monument
Bandelier National Monument
Canyon de Chelly National Monument
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
Chaco Culture National Historical Park | Traditions of the Sun: Chaco | Chaco Astronomy Off-Line
El Malpais National Monument
El Morro National Monument
Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument
Hovenweep National Monument
Mesa Verde National Park
Montezuma Castle National Monument
Navajo National Monument
Pecos National Monument
Petroglyph National Monument
Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument
Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument
Tuzigoot National Monument
Wupatki National Monument
How the Shaman Stole the Moon
Arches National Park
Big Bend National Park
Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon Bed and Breakfasts
Canyonlands National Park
Capulin Volcano National Monument
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Fort Union National Monument
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Grand Canyon National Park
Great Sand Dunes National Monument and Preserve
Natural Bridges National Monument
White Sands National Monument
Maya Astronomy Page
Mesoamercia Stone Ring
Google Interactive Central Solar Eclipse Maps
1970-March 7-Total
1972-July 10-Total
1973-June 30-Total
1984-May 30-Annular
1994-May 10-Annular
1998-February 26-Total
2012-May 20-Annular
2017-August 21-Total
2023-April 20-Hybred
2023-October 14-Annular
2024-April 8-Total
2027-August 2-Total
2033-March 30-Total
2044-August 23-Total
2045-August 12-Total
April 20, 2023 Australian Eclipse
Australian Hybrid Eclipse-2023 Trip Photos
Magnetic Declinations in Australia
Hybrid Eclipse: April 20, 2023
Photographing a Solar Eclipse
View a Solar Eclipse Safely
Sky During Totality
October 14, 2023 Southwestern Annular (US) Eclipse
StarFest/Hawk Mountain Eclipse Programs
2023 Eclipse Road Atlas
Interactive Google Maps-2023 Eclipse
April 8, 2024 Great American Eclipse II
Interactive Google Maps-2024 Eclipse
Photographing a Solar Eclipse
View a Solar Eclipse Safely
Eclipse 2023/2024
Solar Eclipse Guide-Orion Telescopes
Excarta AI Generated Forecast
Washington Post Forecast-update to current date in brower
New York Times EclipsevForecast
Weather Channel Eclipse Forecast
AccuWeather Eclipse Forecast
Other Eclipses and Fun Stuff
Photographing a total solar eclipse-Alan Dryer
YouTube: Photographing a total solar eclipse-Alan Dryer
Amazing Sky: Top 10 tips for photographing an eclipse
Amazing Sky: Top 10 Tips for Practicing for the Eclipse
Giralia Station-Outback
Eclipse 2026 to Iceland/Greenland
2017, August 21 Total Solar Eclipse
Southern Illinois University: Eclipse 2024
Solar-Lunar Eclipses visible from Philadelphia
Shadow and Substance: Eclipses Animated
Currently Inactive-Solar eclipses visible from the Lehigh Valley thru 2055
Currently Inactive-World Eclipse Map
Eclipse Home Page
The Eclipse Chaser Home Page
Upcoming & Recent Eclipses of the Sun and Moon
Lunar Eclipses-NASA
Lunar-Solar Eclipses visible from Philadelphia
Shadow and Substance: Eclipses Animated
Currently Inactive-Lunar eclipses visible from the Lehigh Valley thru 2015
Five Millennium Catalog of Lunar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000
Lunar Eclipse Photometric Modeling and Imagery
IOTA: The International Occultation Timing Association HomePage
Moon Calculator
The Moon Home Page
The Moon
The Moon Home Page
Full Moon Atlas
Moon Phase Generator
Moon Phase Calculator
Current/Past/Future Phases of the Moon
Interactive Lunar Atlas
Lunar Exploration
Apollo Image Gallery: High Quality Images
The Apollo Program: NASM
Find times of Moonrise, Moonset, and the Phase of the Moon
The Woman in the Moon
Robert CAZILHAC PIXIEL Lunar Videos
Specific Missions...
Sun SOHO: SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory
Genesis: Solar Wind
Moon Clementine
Lunar Prospector
Mercury Mariner 10
Venus Magellan
ESA: Venus Express
Mars NASA: Mars Exploration Program
Mars Pathfinder
Mars Global Surveyor Mars Odessey
ESA: Mars Express
Mars Exploration Rover Mission Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Jupiter Galileo
Saturn Cassini
Pluto New Horizons/Pluto Kuiper Belt Mission
Asteroids NEAR-Eros
DAWN: Ceres and Vesta
Comets Stardust: Comet Wild
Deep Impact: Comet Tempel 1
Stardust NExT
ESA Hipparcos
LAMBDA Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis
SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Voyager Voyager Missions to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
General NASA's Planetary Photojournal
Specific Planets...
Venus: The Face of Venus
Current Martian Weather
The Mars Society
Miscellaneous Solar System...
Planetary Ring Systems
Giant Planet Satellite Page
Kuiper Belt
Small Bodies
The Exoplanet Encyclopaedia
Specific Comets...
Hale-Bopp Home Page
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9: Collision with Jupiter
Comet Discoveries...
So You Think You've Discovered a Comet!
Meteoritical Bulletin Database
Care of Meteorites
Meteorite locations in the United States
Meteors, Meteorites, and Impacts
Meteorite Classification
Meteorite Classification through Photography
Meteorite Identification Home Page
Meteor Crater: The world's best preserved meteorite crater, Winslow, AZ
About Meteorites
Meteorite Magazine
Buying and Selling Meteorites...
Meteorite Dealers
Meteorite Dealers
Blaine Reed Meteorites
ELKK Meteorites (Millbillille)
Excalibur Mineral: Meteorites
Robert Haag Meteorites
Hammer Meteorites: They hit something!
Labenne Meteorites: Lunar, Martian, and more
New England Meteoritical
Midwest Meteorites: Tim Heitz
Meteorite Exchange
The Meteorite Market
Nakhla Dog Meteorites for Sale (all types)
R.A. Langheinrich Meteorites
Schoolers Meteorites
Sikhote-Alin Meteorites: Avatar Meteorites
International Meteorite Collectors Association (IMCA Inc.)
Information about Minor Planets or Asteroids
Missions to Asteroids: Dawn: Ceres and Vesta
IAU: Minor Planet Center
Minor Planets: Plots and Lists
The Small Bodies Node
How Minor Planets are Named
Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazards
Impact Hazards Report-pdf file
SENTRY: An Automatic Near-Earth Asteroid Collision Monitoring System
Stars and Star of the Week by Prof. Jim Kaler
NASA: Stars and Galaxies
Blackbody Radiation Calculator
Hipparcos Mission
150 closest stars
300 brightest stars
The most luminous stars
Spectral Type Characteristics
AAVSO: Variable Stars
The Double Star Library
Latest Supernovae
International Supernovae Network
Evolution of Stars...
Stellar Evolution
Planetary Nebula Observer's Home Page
Planetary Nebulae
White Dwarfs
Black Holes and Neutron Stars
Jillian's Guide to Black Holes
Extrasolar Planets...
The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia
Other Worlds, Distant Suns--Catalog of Extrasolar Planets
Extrasolar Visions
Stellarium Interactive Star Map
Magnetic Declination Computer
Magnetic Declination Map of the United States
Sun Calulations and Observations
The Orrey: Interactive Solar System
My Stars Live: Make your own Star Charts and More
Sky View Cafe: Make Your Own Star Charts and More
Geographical Features Identified
Find Your Latitude and Longitude
JavaScript Sun Table Calculator
Compute Local Apparent Sidereal Time
Sunrise/set, Moonrise/set, Twilight, Moon Illumination, and much more
The Messier Catalog
Arp Catalog of Pecular Galaxies Compiled by Observers
Arp Catalog of Pecular Galaxies
Digitized Palomar Sky Survey
Follow the Drinking Gourd: A Cultural History
Constellations and their Stars
Mythology of the Constellations
Amateur Telescpe Making Journal
Stellafane Home Page: Springfield (VT) Telescope Makers
Antique Telescope Society
Weird Telescopes
Hubble Space Telescope
Polar Aligning your Telescope
Clay's Kochab Clock
Aligning Your Telescope in the Day
Observatory lists...
Mt. Wilson Observatory: Telescopes in Education (TIE)
Mt. Wilson Observatory
Robotic Observatories for amateur use...
Bradford Robotic Telescope, Bradford University, England
Student Telescope Network
National Observatories...
Kitt Peak National Observatory
Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Imaging Sites
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Archive of past APD's
Astronomy Sketch of the Day
Russell Croman Astrophotography
Planetary Data Center Imaging Node
Sungazer: Solar Photography by Greg Piepol
Astrophotography: The Chanctonbury Observatory
The 'Bahtinov' Mask
Mike Hankey's Astrophotos
Celestial Wonders by Frank Barrett
Digital Images of the Sky
Astrophotography by Gary A. Becker
Astronomical Images by St phane Guisard, Chile
Polar Image
David Hanon's Astronomical Imaging Page
Galactic Images
Ed Morana: Videos of ISS transits, occultations Iridium Flares, etc.
Registax V4
Registax Tutorial
Musk Observatory: Mars Desert Research Station
MDRS: Mars Desert Research Station
Musk Observatory
MDRS Google Group
Mt. Evans Observatory: Denver University
Inside Cam
Outside Cam
Muhlenberg Robotic Telescope
Night Sky Live
NIGHT CONDITIONS: Live from Siding Spring
DAY CONDITIONS: Live from Siding Spring
Coonabarabran Weather, NSW
Satellite Images: "X" equals Siding Spring
Astronomer's Control Panel
Automated Patrol Telescope
Mission and Spacecraft Library
National Space Society
Zero G: Parabolic Plane Rides
See Kennedy Space Center above...
Apollo Image Gallery: High Quality Images
The Apollo Program
NASA Astronaut Biographies
Where is the International Space Station/Space Shuttle now?
Specific Missions...
Sun SOHO: SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory
Genesis: Solar Wind
Moon Clementine
Lunar Prospector
Mercury Mariner 10
Venus Magellan
Mars NASA: Mars Exploration Program
Mars Pathfinder
Mars Global Surveyor Mars Odessey
ESA: Mars Express
Mars Exploration Rover Mission Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Jupiter Galileo
Saturn Cassini
Pluto New Horizons/Pluto Kuiper Belt Mission
Asteroids NEAR-Eros
DAWN: Ceres and Vesta
Comets Stardust: Comet Wild
Deep Impact: Comet Tempel 1
ESA Hipparcos
LAMBDA Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis
SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Voyager Voyager Missions to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
General NASA's Planetary Photojournal
Hubble Space Telescope...
Hubble Space Telescope
Latest HST Observations
HTS's Greatest Hits
Hubble Space Telescope--Best Images
HTS Archives
Astronomy Clubs in the Region...
Berks County Amateur Astronomical Society, Reading, PA
Bucks-Mont Astronomical Association
Central Pennsylvania Observers
Black Forest Star Party
Chesmont Astronomical Society, Philadelphia, PA
Deleware Valley Amateur Astronomers, Philadelphia, PA
Lackawanna Astronomical Society, Scranton, PA
United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey, Inc.
National Amateur Organizations...
NEAF: Northeast Astronomy Forum
Astronomical League Home Page
Antique Telescope Society
Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
American Association of Variable Star Observers
International Dark Sky Association
IOTA: The International Occultation Timing Association HomePage
Careers in Astronomy...
So You Want to Become an Astronomer? Read This!
Black Forest Star Party
Cherry Springs State Park
Frosty Hollow B & B
New Mexico Skies
Chiefland (FL) Astronomy Village
Arizona Sky Village
Hykos Astro-Guest-Farm, Namibia
Oceanside Meadows: Prospect Harbor, Maine--Dark Skies
Astronomy Under Schoodic Skies
Mauna Kea: Visitor Information Station
Astronomical Adventures
TravelQuest International
Vacation Rentals
Chile: Observe the Atacama sky
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Travel Warnings
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Celebrity Cruises
Azamara Cruises
Princess Cruises
American Museum of Natural History, New York City
Hayden Planetarium, New York City
Fels Planetarium, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia | Franklin Institute
Tuttleman Omniverse Theater, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (very near the Franklin Institute)
National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Albert Einstein Planetarium, NASM, Washington, DC
Liberty Science Center, Newark, New Jersey
Davis Planetarium, Maryland Science Center, Baltimore
Reading (PA) Planetarium
General Listings...
Planetariums on the Net--probably the most complete listing
International Planetarium Society
Antique Telescopes/ATM Supplies/Used Scopes and Accessories/Telescope Reviews...
Antique Telescope Society
Telescope Bluebook
Astronomy Forum
Astromart: The Global Astronomy Market Place
Astronomy Mall
Got Grit: ATM Supplies
Astro Parts Outlet
The Astro Review-eyepieces
BBR-Best Binoculars Reviews
Telescopes and Accessories...
ADM Accessories PO Box 491, Elma, NY 14059, Phone: 716-830-0413
Agena AstroProducts: Bolt plastic eyepiece cases
Astronomics (Astro-Tech)
Astronomik: Filters for Astrophotogrpahy
Astronomy Shoppe, NH-Telescope Repair Service
Astro Parts Outlet Used Telescopes
Astro-Physics Mounts and Telescopes
Astronomy Technologies (Astro-Tech)
Baader Planetarium: High Quality Scopes and Accessories
Bob's Knobs 6976 Kempton Rd., Centerville, IN 47330
Davro Optical-Quantum-4 repair service
Deep Sky Products, Edward Thomas
Explore Scientific
Howie Glatter's Collimator
Hand On Optics
iOptron Corporation (telescope mounts)
Jim's Mobile
Ken's Custom Rings and Things
Losmandy Astronomical Products
Lumicon Filters and Accessories
Majestic Optical Coatings--NJ
Meade Instruments
OPT: Oceanside Photo and Telescope
Optical Instruments (surplus optics)
Orion Telescope Center
Parallax Instruments--Rotating Rings
PlaneWave Instruments
Precise Parts: Adaptors for Astronomy
Questar Corporation | Company Seven: Questar
Robin Casady: Counterweights and much more
ScopeStuff: All types of astronomical accessories
Skies Unlimited, Pottstown, PA
Starizona (Hyperstar system and much more)
Starlight Express (autoguiders, micro focusers, and more)
Stellarvue: Telescopes and Accessories
Takahashi America
Tech2000 Astronomy: Counterweights and much more
Telegizmos Covers for Telescopes
Telescope Warehouse e-Bay Store: Bill Vorce, Owner
Telescope Express-German site: Counterweights and much more
Tele Vue Optics
VERNONscope & Company
Vixen Optical
Wilcox Rotating Rings
Williams Optics
Woodland Hills Camera and Telescope (RAYOX Saddle Plate)
Astrohaven: Clamshell Observatories
Sky Gaze Optics
Backyard Observatories
Observatory Systems: Consultant Paul Gardner
Optical Guidance Systems
Pier Plates
Telescope Piers and Observatories
Pier Tech, Inc.-fencing
Software Bisque, Home of THE SKY, your stargate to the universe
SkyShed: Observatories and Piers
SBIG Online: CCD imaging
Astrovid Video Imaging
Stellar Technologies: Precision Focusers for Film and Digital Imaging
SYRP Motion Control Products
Solar Observing...
Coronado Filters and Telescopes
Thousand Oaks: Solar Observing Systems | Thousand Oaks: Solar Filters
Lunt Solar Systems
Sources for Solar Filters
Rainbow Symphony, Inc.: Eclipse Shades
Software Bisque, Home of THE SKY, your stargate to the universe
Software Bisque, SkyX Serious Astronomer Edition
Starry Night: Astronomy Software
Deepsky 2000--Database, Observing, and Planning software for Observer's
Zephyr Services--software
The Tush Push
Letterman: Top Ten
Erik Wernquist: Wanderers
The Bizarre Behavior of Rotating Bodies
Modern Family: Leap Day, Season 3, Episode 17
Elvis Presley: Blue Moon
Plasma Balls
Stephen Hawkin: A Brief History of Time
Stephen Hawkin: My Brief History of Mine
Doppler Effect: Big Bang Theory
The Doppler Shift
Schrodinger's Cat: Big Bang Theory
End of the Universe
Pluto Demoted Skit
Is the Universe a Computer Simulation
Isaac Azimov: The Last Question
Event Horizon Telescope Animated Movie
Chang'e-4 spacecraft's farside lunar landing
Educational Revolution
Thailand's Space Festival
Astrology Horoscopes--Jonathan Crane's Zodiac Forecasts
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