Moravian College Astronomy
©Gary A. Becker
PA Standards addressed
3.4.D-2: Explain and illustrate the causes of seasonal changes. 3.4.C-4: Describe solar system motions and use them to explain time (e.g. days, seasons). 3.4.C-3: Describe various types of motions.
Most students and adults do not understand the causes and effects of the seasons. This lesson will attempt to clarify the misconceptions which prevent pupils from comprehending the reasons why seasons occur.
EARTH’S ORBIT: A lot of people believe that the seasons are caused by the Earth’s changing distance from the sun. But it just isn’t so. Look at Earth’s orbit. It is almost a perfect circle. On average the Earth’s distance from the sun is just a little less than 93 million miles. The closest the Earth can get to the sun is 91-1/2 million miles while the farthest distance of the Earth to the sun is 94-1/2 million miles. |
EARTH’S CHANGING DISTANCE FROM THE SUN: Look more closely at the picture. You should be able to tell that the sun is not quite at the center of Earth’s orbit. Is the Earth closer to the sun to the right or left of its orbit? When the Earth is closest to the sun, what season are we in? Your answer, at first, may not make any sense. But it is true. Earth’s changing distance from the sun has nothing to do with the seasons. When Earth is closest to the sun we are in the middle of winter. When Earth is farthest from the sun, Allentown is in the midst of summer. |
EFFECTS OF THE SEASONS: Using this picture you can discover by clicking on the day arrows what the sun is doing at 12 noon on the first day of each season, as well as where we are looking at night. Remember to take the seasons in their correct order starting with spring, summer, autumn, and winter. During the summer the sun is high in the sky? During the winter the sun is low in the sky? In the spring and autumn, the sun is right in the middle. You will also notice that our view of the constellations change as Earth orbits the sun over the time of one year. |
If you think about it, something about the Earth must cause the seasons. Something about the Earth must allow us to receive more energy in the summer and less energy in the winter. We know it is NOT the changing distance of the Earth from the sun, because we are closest to the sun in winter when it is coldest. Somehow we get more energy in the summer heating us up, and less energy in the winter, so our part of the world cools down. Please continue to the next picture.
CHANGING SEASONS, CHANGING SUN: We really do get more energy from the sun in the summer. This heats us up. We receive less energy from the sun in the winter which cools us down. The sun is higher in the sky in the summer and shines down on us for a longer part of the day. You can count the number of hours in Allentown that the sun is up in the spring, summer, winter, and autumn. In the picture above, each sun is spaced one hour apart. Count the spaces and don’t forget to add the half spaces that are below the sun on the first day of summer and the first day of winter. Click here on the words spring, summer, autumn, and winter to see if you are correct. |
DIRECT AND INDIRECT ENERGY: Imagine the flashlights to be the sun. The energy coming from each flashlight is the same, but the way the light is striking the ground is different. The two flashlights on the left are allowing their energy to strike the ground DIRECTLY in a concentrated manner. The flashlight on the right is tilted so that when its energy strikes the ground, the energy is spread over a much larger area. The energy from the tilted flashlight is striking the ground INDIRECTLY, and its energy is less concentrated. |
If you were cold and wanted to get warm, would you want DIRECT or INDIRECT energy to heat you? Click on the word you think is correct.
LONG SHADOWS--SHORT SHADOWS: Here is another way that you can tell whether the energy from the sun or a flashlight is direct or indirect. Just look at the shadows which the light is making. Direct energy always produces short shadows while indirect energy creates long shadows. The energy isn't any different, but the way it is striking you or the Earth makes all the difference in the amount of energy we receive and how warm we feel. |
THE POWER OF THE SUN: At sunrise the energy from the sun reaches us in a very indirect way. The sun is very low in the sky, near the horizon where the sky seems to touch the Earth. Shadows are very long. In the winter, the sun is always low in the sky. The winter sun’s indirect light has very little heating effect upon us. Also the sun can be in the sky for as little as nine hours. In the summer the sun climbs to a very high position, so that for many hours its light is striking us very directly. In the summer the sun is also in the sky for as much as 15 hours. |
ENERGY AND THE EARTH’S SHAPE: Because the Earth is in the shape of a ball, there will be parts of the Earth that receive direct energy from the sun and other regions of the world that receive indirect energy. Notice the Earth’s axis in this drawing. The axis is the imaginary line about which the Earth spins. It is straight up and down. If this is how the Earth went around the sun each year, the seasons would always remain the same. |
EARTH'S AXIS IS TILTED: Here is the most important fact about why we have seasons in Allentown. The Earth’s axis is tilted or tipped. Because the Earth’s axis is tilted, we lean back from the sun in winter getting only INDIRECT energy from the sun. Shadows are long and the sun is only up for nine hours. Temperatures must go down. In the summer we lean in towards the sun, causing the sun’s energy to strike us more DIRECTLY. The sun’s energy is more concentrated and temperatures must get warmer. Shadows are short around noon and the sun is up for 15 hours. |
SUMMER: This is how the sun’s energy would be striking Allentown on the first day of summer at noon. Direct energy, high sun, short shadows, and long days occur as the tilt of the Earth’s axis causes us to lean in towards the sun. |
WINTER: This is how the sun’s energy strikes Allentown on the first day of winter at noon. Indirect energy from a sun which is low in the sky is the result of the tilt of the Earth’s axis causing us to lean back at this time of year. |
OPPOSITE HEMISPHERES, OPPOSITE SEASONS: Here is a really interesting fact about the seasons. They are opposite from ours south of the equator. If it is summer in Allentown, PA which is north of the equator, then it will be winter, in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is south of the equator. Because the Earth’s axis is tilted, and the axis points in the same direction, if Buenos Aires is leaning back, than Allentown must be leaning forward. |
FLIPPED AXIS, SAME SEASON: Some people think that the seasons are caused by the Earth’s axis flipping over or wobbling around as our planet orbits the sun. That is exactly what has happen in this drawing. If this really did occur, we would have no change in the seasons. You can prove this to yourself by looking at the length of the shadows which are being made by the red pole, which is suppose to be where Allentown is located. The shadows on both sides of our orbit would be long, and we would be forever stuck in the same season. In this case it would be winter--yuck! |
Many people know that the axis of the Earth points to a very famous star in the nighttime sky called the North Star or Polaris. As the Earth rotates, the axis point near enough to Polaris so that it appears as if the entire sky is spinning or rotating around this star. Since you can always count upon the North Star to be in the same position, day or night, the Earth’s axis cannot be flipping back and forth. If the Earth’s axis did flip, we would have many different "North Stars" over the duration of one year.
NORTH STAR IS FAMOUS FOR HARDLY MOVING: The bright star in the upper left is the North Star. Astronomers usually call it Polaris. Earth’s axis nearly points in the direction of the North Star, but because it is off just slightly, even the North Star makes a tiny circle in the sky. Directly below the North Star is the direction north. Keep in mind that the North Star is famous NOT for its brightness, but for that fact that it hardly moves. This 3-hour photo was taken in New Mexico by Gary A. Becker. |
You can create your own "North Star" by standing up and bending your head back. Your head is now the Earth and your eyes represent the axis of the Earth extended into space. Find a mark on the ceiling which is directly over your head and then begin to spin slowly. Notice how all of the other marks on the ceiling seem to go around the point which is directly over your head. This is the location to which the axis of your Earth is pointing. Likewise, the positions directly over the North and South Poles of Earth also act as circling points and do not move.
THERE IS NO SOUTH STAR: This picture shows the rotating Earth from Australia. The fuzzy area on the left is the Milky Way, while the two fuzzy blobs on the right are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The LMC and SMC are two small galaxies that orbit our Milky Way. Photo by Gary A. Becker |
FLIPPED AXIS, SAME SEASON: In this drawing we have stopped using flashlights and have substituted rays of sunlight instead. Imagine that you are standing next to the flagpole which is pointing straight up. The two straight red lines going out from either side represent the north and south horizons. The northern horizon looks in the direction of the North Star, while the southern horizon faces towards the equator. The two rays of sunlight that strike the bottom of the flagpole make the same angle to the southern horizon, meaning that the sun is just as high in the sky on either side of its orbit. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realized that the season would always remain the same if the Earth’s axis wobbled around during the time of one year. Based upon the picture, what season is Allentown experiencing? |
THE SEASONS EXPLAINED FOR OLDER STUDENTS: It is exactly the same as any of the other explanations, but now we are using the sun instead of a flashlight. Allentown, PA is represented by the flagpole which is at an angle of 40 degrees north of the equator. The northern and southern horizons are at 90 degrees to it. The sun reaches its highest position in the south at noon each day. The direction to the sun at this time is indicated by the ray of sunlight which continues to the bottom of the flagpole. It should be easy to see that the angle from the southern horizon to the sun on the left is smaller than the angle from the southern horizon to the sun on the right. The sun at noon is lower in the sky to the left, and higher in the sky on the right. |
The seasons are the result of the 23-1/2 degree tilt of the Earth’s axis from the perpendicular to the Earth’s orbital plane. The Earth’s orbital plane is called the ecliptic. The season are also the result of the Earth’s axis pointing in the same direction.
SUMMER: This drawing of summer shows the Northern Hemisphere leaning into the sun. It has been constructed accurately enough for you to measure the altitude or angle of the sun above the horizon on the first day of summer. The center measuring point of your protractor should be placed at the intersection of the base of the flagpole and the southern horizon. The protractor’s zero angle position should fall along the southern horizon. |
WINTER: Measure the altitude of the winter sun by placing the center measuring point of your protractor at the base of the flagpole where the flagpole and horizon intersect. Place the southern horizon along the protractor’s zero degree position. It is easy to see that the sun is much lower in the sky during the winter months. |
Most people believe that the seasonal variations that we experience are the result of our changing distance from the sun. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Although the Earth’s distance from the sun varies by about three million miles, we are closest to the sun in winter and farthest from our daystar during the summer months, just the opposite of what would be expected. The seasons are the result of changes in the amount of solar energy which is received at the Earth's surface, but the Earth-sun distance plays a minor role. Instead, these energy changes come about because the Earth’s axis it tilted in relation to its orbital plane which is called the ecliptic. The Earth's axis is the imaginary line about which our planet rotates. The measure of Earth’s axial tilt is referenced from the perpendicular to the ecliptic. It is generally stated in the following manner. The Earth’s axis is tilted 23-½° from the perpendicular to the ecliptic. Another factor affecting the seasons is that Earth’s axis points in the same direction. Currently the axis is pointing in the direction of the North Star, also called Polaris. This is why Polaris represents the hub of the wheel about which the sky pivots as Earth rotates. Expressed in another way, the ecliptic is tilted to the plane of the Earth’s equator by 23-½°. Our orbital motion makes the sun move eastward among the stars. Our axial tilt also causes the sun to move northward or southward with respect to the equator. This change in the position on Earth over which the sun is shining directly overhead results in three yearly cycles which can be readily monitored as the seasons progress:
Most people believe that the seasons are a result of the Earth getting closer to the sun in the summer and farther from the sun in the winter. The reasoning behind this error usually results from an exaggerated concept of the shape of Earth’s elliptical (oval-shaped) path around the sun and the natural consequences of getting closer to or farther away from an energy source. Here are some true facts to counter this argument:
The following, however, is true. The Earth is spinning around its axis, and the axis of the Earth is tilted. The angle of Earth’s axial inclination is 23-1/2 degrees (from the perpendicular to Earth’s orbital plane). The direction of Earth’s axial tilt remains nearly constant.