A Sampling of Miscellaneous Papers and Courses

  1. "Meteor and Micrometeorites as an Influence in Precipitation," Middle East Regional Astronomical League Convention, Towson, MD June 9, 1973.
  2. "A Comparison of Comets Kohoutek and Bradfield with Comet Halley," Berks County Amateur Astronomical Society, Reading, PA, June 12, 1975.
  3. "Meteor Astronomy," Lacakwanna Astronomical Society, Scranton, PA, November 1975.
  4. "Ancient Egyptian Astronomy," Delaware Astronomical Society, April 14, 1984.
  5. "Caroline Herschel: The Light in the Shadow," Consortium Astronomers, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA (4/9/1984), and West Chester University, Women's Day, 4/24/1984.
  6. "The Christmas Comet of Johann Palitzsch," New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ, 1/19/1986.
  7. "When Mr. Moon Goes Courting: Solar Eclipses," Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomy, Philadelphia, PA, 6/14/1991.
  8. Miscellaneous Educational-Observational Courses Taught

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